Monday, 25 November 2013

Anglo opposition city counselor in Longueuil Quebec treated like a dog

FOR RELEASE by November 23rd, 2013

When Bob Myles entered his office today he was greeted with a cruel reminder of the bigotry often shown to minorities in Quebec.
Upon entering his office today Mr Robert Myles was greeted with a desk adorned with packages of dog food, a woof sign and a French-English dictionary. Mr. Myles a fluently bilingual opposition councillor did not take this as a joke, but as part of the disrespect Anglo's are consistently being shown by the administration of former Bloc MP, Caroline St.Hilaire.
The City of Longueuil refused to condemn this action or comment. Please remember that it was the City administration that denied Myles office space last week. This is a deep affront to the both democracy and the Anglo fact in Quebec.
The anglophone and allophone communities have been subjected to numerous instances of racism, bigotry and religious intolerance over the past year due to the PQ's divisive policies. Never have we as a community been degraded to such an extent as to have one of our democratically elected opposition counselors be treated like a DOG.
We ask that this action be condemned and all individuals responsible be dealt with in a swift manner.
Bob Myles is quickly becoming an icon and a rallying point for democracy and diversity in an increasingly hostile Quebec. We ask that everyone stand behind Mr. Bob Myles in condemning this degrading display of injustice which threatens our democracy in Quebec

Mike Kane

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Let us create a new wall, the wall of separation between state and imposed culture

I would like to address your letter to the editor in defense of Bill 60 (Charter of Values) and Quebec living a "Jefferson Moment." Ny Times Article. Quite the combined effort. 

By the way, the crucifix you claim is being taken down will be moved to another room in the national assembly. Just thought I would clear that up.

 I find your letter quite hypocritical coming from a government that recently introduced a bill ( bill 14) that would have drastically reduced the rights of its own citizens. Here are the highlights of your proposed and recently scrapped Bill 14 that was a main focus of your PQ election platform that people outside of Quebec need to understand:

  • Revoking bilingual status if the population falls below 50%
  • Francophone military families would be unable to send their child to English school.
  • Anglophone CEGEPS would have to prioritize Anglo students over francophones
  • Language police would be able to SEIZE anything they believe is an offense against the charter without a warrant.

If you believe that the state should be neutral then why forcefully impose your culture and language on all the population of Quebec? What is the difference between the state forcing culture and language on its citizens or imposing religion?

You do not have a monopoly on culture in Quebec and depending on what area you grew up in or your background, we all were exposed to different cultures. Someone that grew up in Parc Extension, St Leonard, Ville St Laurent, DDO, Cote St Luc or Little Burgundy would have quite a different cultural experience then someone growing up in Saguenay, Lac St Jean or Quebec City.

So be true to your word and let the government maintain its neutrality and let your own citizens choose the culture they feel applies to them. Let us create a new wall, the "wall of separation between state and imposed culture."

We are sure Jefferson would approve.

Mike Kane
Facebook :

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Remove "Jewish" from Jewish General hospital and ban circumcisions says PQ candidate

A post has been circulating on social media. Tania Longpré PQ candidate in Viau was asked if Jewish should be removed from the "Jewish General Hospital name and if there should be a ban on circumcision in the charter. See her answer below:


Monday, 30 September 2013

Canadian soldier told that his daughter could not attend English school

Photo: Soldier Eric Aumand and daughter

By Mike Kane

We recently received a letter from a Canadian soldier that details intimidation and harassment by Quebec's Ministry of Education that nearly cost his daughter entry into English school. Below you will read details of the exchange that went on between Mr. Aumand and the person responsible at the ministry.

Mr Aumand's letter to PBTF:
The person who called me is Mister Fu Sun, he is the Designated Person of the Ministry of Education (Ministère de l'Éducation) and "personne responsable d'admissibilité à l'enseignement en Anglais" and confirmed by the English school board here in Quebec.

Mr. Fu Sun called the school board to get my contact information and lied to them on the phone telling them he only had a few questions to finalize our file as we filed under the military exemption status to send our daughter to an English School. Well, that was a lie, and the School Board apologized profusely this morning to me because of this and are taking actions to try and ensure he doesn't do this again, as according to them, this is not the first time he does this.

Mr. Fu Sun called me and told me that he needed PROOF that I would be posted outside the province in order to allow my kids the right to an English education, he wanted proof that I would be imminently posted. When I told him that the only time a military member gets proof is when we get our posting messages, that is the ONLY time we can confirm.  We get this approximately around the month of April of any possible posting.

He then asked me if I was aware that the law had changed, and that the exemption was no longer granted, I told him that according to my knowledge, that was only a proposed item in Bill 14, he said and I quote "non, monsieur (chuckle) vous vous trompez."

He was trying to convince me that the laws had changed on the exemption and that there was "jurisprudence".  I found out this morning, speaking with the school board that he was referring to a case where a military member a while back was ill, and because of his illness (post Afghanistan and illness related to the mission) he would never be posted, so, his request had been denied due to the fact that he would never be posted outside Quebec.  What Mr. Fu Sun is trying to do now, is create further jurisprudence to essentially require proof that a member will be posted within a certain time in order to obtain the right to send our kids to an English school.

He asked me on the phone last night if my daughter was currently IN her English school, when I said yes she was and that I had filed under my exemption, he told me, and I quote, "mais monsieur, c'est illégal, vous n'avez pas encore le droit lorsqu'on n'a pas approuvé votre demande"

When I asked who makes the decision, he told me that he was the one making decisions. When I asked him to cite the law that states that my military exemption had changed, he laughed and tried to change the direction of the conversation. This man tried to intimidate me and scare me into thinking that I was breaking the law so I could pull my child out of school myself.

Please spread this letter as far as you can so everyone is aware of the situation in Quebec. I would hope that this never happens to another military family.

Eric Aumand - Canadian Military and father

Media Inquiries:

Monday, 23 September 2013

Remain Honorable and Set the Example

Good evening fellow PBTF'ers,

We would like to thank everyone for sharing and liking our content over the past year. Our traffic has increased 125% these past two weeks and we have become one of the busiest sites delivering information and reports on the ground that local media may not cover. We thank you for supporting us.

That being said, we would also like to ask you all to refrain from name calling, slurs or profanity when addressing anyone or commenting on some of the content we post. We understand that since the charter has been made public tensions have been soaring, however we must never sink down to the level of the people we fight against. 

We are all better then that. Hit them with intellect and remain honorable in your responses, we all have to set the example. Many people keep an eye on this page and any derogatory comment may cause irreversible damage to the cause we all believe in. Please remember that the a majority of francophone Quebecers are against these laws and support us 100%. It is very hurtful for francophones that are on our side to hear these comments.

We would also like to address a very small percentage of people that accuse this page of creating division. We are not the ones that introduced a charter and language laws that segregate a good portion of the population and make Quebecers and Canadians born here feel unwelcome in their own home. 

We have been on the ground at both protests and have personally witnessed people afraid to leave a bank or walk anywhere close to a crowd of nationalists. This fear is real and we are appalled and disgusted that this can go on in our country. No one should be afraid to walk the streets out of fear of being harassed for their skin color or belief or even language spoken.

We also promise to never give up and we hope you continue to give us the support you have this past year.

Mike Kane

Jews and Anglos Latest Target of Racial Defacing in Montreal

Racial defacing continues in Montreal:

One of our members reported campaign posters being vandalized with the word "Jew" and "English" written with a felt marker near the Vendome Metro station.

Mike Kane

Join our FB page : HERE

Friday, 6 September 2013

PQ history speaks for itself

We think Barry has it right with the below quote. We have tried to do our best for the past year doing just that.
"We will have to keep fighting the fight, dispelling the lies, and promoting the truth.
We can all be like Churchill and write the history we intend to make."

CTV Montreal Video : HERE

Join our 31,000 strong:

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Victim of last year’s tomato attack feels abandoned by justice system

Global MontrealOut of the blue, another patient allegedly approached him and said “Ici au Québec on parle français” (“Here in Quebec, we speak French”), before throwing a tomato sandwich directly in his face.It was enough to send him into anaphylactic shock. The upside is that he was just a few feet away from the emergency room. Story and Video: Global News Report

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Quebec is Not a Country No Matter What Marois Says

In the past few weeks you may have heard Pauline Marois call Quebec a "country". Your ears were not playing tricks on you, this is indeed the PQ's new strategy moving forward. 

Her quote: 
"We have the chance to live here in a country, the country of Quebec. We respect diversity and free choice in religion I deeply condemn what happened at the mosque." Pauline Marois (See CTV News video)

Make no mistake about it, Pauline Marois and the PQ have unilaterally declared Quebec a country. As elected leader of a province within Canada declaring Quebec a country should sound the alarm for everyone. It is time we all took this issue very seriously, the PQ right now are bragging about governing the province as if they were about to have a referendum and gloating about how well their social media campaign has been working promoting Quebec as a country.

We have a message for the PQ, as long as we are around and keep gaining support we will oppose your media campaigns,  we will remind you that Quebec is NOT a country and we will do everything we can to expose your intolerant ways to the rest of the world. 

To our PBTF members, we ask that you talk to whoever you know and bring them on-board. We are now  31,000 strong and nothing stops us from doubling this number going into the fall season. We will not abandon you. We will continue to give Canadian patriots living in Quebec, Canada of ALL languages and cultures an avenue to voice their concerns and allow discrimination to be exposed every step of the way. 

We have to send a clear message, we are CANADIANS and will never accept a minority government unilaterally declaring Quebec a country without consulting the will of the people. It is irresponsible and a disgrace to all that fought for our freedom as Canadians.

Mike Kane PBTF (Putbacktheflag)

Monday, 2 September 2013

Mandatory Quebec History Lesson for Adults On the Way

CJAD - Quebec’s education minister Marie Malavoy announced Monday the government’s plans to enhance the teaching of Quebec history in elementary school and in the CEGEP system.

Story CJAD

How do you feel about this?  
Join the discussion on our PBTF Facebook page:

Friday, 16 August 2013

Teavana in Montreal Censors Dirty English Instructions

One of our members brought this to our attention, we posted it verbatim

My boyfriend and I were at Carrefour Angrignon, in the Teavana store a couple weeks ago. He noticed that there were pieces of plain white paper all over the store, taped up. We looked and it was ALL the English parts of the signs that were covered up! Because, of course, to put it before French is a crime. (!!)

We asked the sales lady about it, and she was the one that had put it up. (But please don't go into the store just to harass her, it it's not her fault). She told us that many francophone customers would complain directly to Teavana's head office, about the English description being above the French one. Head office wanted to remove all the signs I think...

Rather than remove all the signs, which are necessary to educate the consumer on the cool different types of tea they have, the sales lady just decided to cover them up to avoid all the complaints. 

This is wrong on so many levels... and plus they receive lots of complaints against their name 'Teavana', which some francophone consumers deem to be too English because of the word Tea....

Teavana is an American chain. I always think If someone wants to buy the product, be honest about what you're buying into. You want to drink that American owned Teavana tea, well then just do it!! Don't expect to have it sugar-wrapped so it looks like it fits into your political views / Quebec culture.

We are currently 30,000 + and making a difference. Please spread the word and have as many people join our fb page as possible. Power in numbers.

Contact Teavana:

Phone : 1-877-832-8262

Thursday, 18 July 2013

The Anglophone Misconception in Quebec

There seems to be a real division and misunderstanding when it comes to understanding the differences between Franco-Quebecers and Anglo-Quebecers. I writing this in an attempt to explain how I feel, and how many others (I assume) feel about their situation living in La belle province. In my explanation I will try to be as simplistic as possible in conveying my feelings on the subject.

I was born in Montreal, Quebec and lived here all my life. In the city where I grew up in, (Ville St Laurent) there was wide range of ethnic groups: Italians, Greeks, Armenians, Chinese and French Canadians. I went to an English elementary school and got along quite well with everyone in the neighborhood. Of course, we would playfully rib each other during street hockey games but it never seemed absurd or unnatural. We always got along.

One of my favorite shows before my first year of kindergarten was Passe Partout. I loved that show as did many of my friends. As an emerging Montreal Canadiens fan, some of my favorite players were Francophone, Claude Lemieux, Guy Carbonneau, and of course, Patrick Roy. Who did not want to be like Patrick Roy?  As kids, we would all want to be the goalie on our team and tried to emulate his moves. For us, he was a hero and living legend. We did not care what language he spoke. When Les Canadiens won the stanley cup in 1986, we all hugged each other in the streets and we were ONE. It did not matter what language you spoke, we were all Montrealers that day.

During those earlier years, my family and I would take trips to la “cabane a sucre” and this became a yearly tradition. We never called it the sugar shack. Also, we never played rock, paper scissors, it was always “roches papier ciseaux.”  We went to buy candy at the “dep” (short for dépanneur) and never did we call it the 7/11 or convenience store. As kids we were scolded for using the words like “tabarnak” and “calisse,” because believe it or not, we anglos use these words as well.

The Montreal Expos were “Nos amours” not our love. And I was probably not alone when I used to switch the TV dial in hopes of hearing Roger Brulotte calling out the games in French. “Bonsoirrrrrr elleeeee est partieeeeeee!!!” And even as Anglos we rooted for Denis Boucher and felt emotional when he got a standing ovation at the Big O.

In our late teens and early 20’s many of us hung out in francophone night clubs, pool halls and bars, and many of us had francophone girlfriends/boyfriends. A few of us even got married to one. Some of us left this city, but many of us stayed. We are Canadians of course, but there is no denying that we are also Québecois. We love our province and like it or not, even as anglos, we are distinct as well.

Our English is different from the rest of Canada, we say “gallery” instead of balcony, “guichet” instead of ATM, “Metro” instead of Subway. We “close” the TV (not shut off the tv), we “take” a decision (not make one), we “pass” the vacuum and we eat our pizza “all dressed” (not deluxe).

As much as I hate the politics or occasional discrimination I may feel as an Anglophone, after spending time away from this province, I always feel at home when I come back.

To the people who think that we do not belong, I have this to say to you: We stay here because we love it. We are here because we are different from the rest of Canada, if we did not feel this way, we would have moved out of Quebec a long time ago, but we are still here. We love the culture, we love the language and we love being part of a French province that is unique in North America.

Anglophones in Quebec in no way threaten your culture, in fact we would stand right by your side to protect the French language here if we knew for a fact it was in a serious decline. What hurts us are the laws created that make us feel like we do not belong, that we are strangers in our own home...  We are your brothers and sisters, this is our home as well. We have had generations work their whole lives to give everything they have to Quebec.

Yes, we are Canadians, but we will always be Québecois and no one can deny that.

Mike Kane

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

STM Bus Driver Discriminates Against Elderly Woman According To Witness


This past Sunday on her way to church, Kimlyn's ride on an STM bus started out like any other, quiet and relaxing. Little did she know that the situation was going to get a lot worse really quickly.

As she was riding on the 110 Lasalle bus line, she noticed an elderly woman asking the bus driver for directions. The response the elderly woman received from the bus driver was very rude and left her confused without any answer to her query. According to Kimlyn the bus driver refused to help her and replied, "Ici au Québec, on parle français."

Upset at what she had witnessed, Kimlyn approached the bus driver and exclamed, "English people take the bus also, and you should have helped the elderly lady,"

The bus driver again repeated the all familiar phrase, " Ici au Québec, on parles français." Kimlyn tried to take a picture of the bus driver and was told by the driver that she would be held until police came if she did that. Kimlyn erased the picture fearing any civil confrontations or trouble with the law.

Undeterred by the threat, Kimlyn proceeded to take a few pictures and record an audio clip for evidence as to the attitude of the bus driver. She politely asked where 39th avenue was and was served the following rude response by the bus driver (in french), "If you are not happy call the number, I only speaks french."

What happened at the end of her ride left Kimlyn in total shock. Kimlyn explains "the bus driver then stopped the bus and called in her dispatcher. She then proceeded to lock the bus doors so I would be stuck in the bus. I managed to step out just in time but my handbag got stuck in the door and I had to yank it out.”

“Any paying customer of Montreal's transit system should not be treated in such a fashion, especially a senior citizen. We should be helping our seniors and not let them off the bus confused,” said Mike Kane, founder of, a lobby group fighting for equal rights in Quebec. He continues on to add that "during these tense political times here in Quebec, we receive these stories everyday through our channels and need to bring them to the attention of everyone in order to shed light on how a select portion of our society in Quebec are failing to respect the simple rights of our citizens such as the elderly lady in this story who only needed a little help with directions. 
“We are requesting that the STM review their policy regarding the inclusion of bilingual drivers where the demographic warrants, it is deplorable that in this day and age minorities and seniors are treated in this manner. Montreal is not only a multi-cultural city, but also a bilingual city and if the bus driver was not able to speak in English she could have at the least politely advised the customer and made a best effort to accommodate and help.

These customers work hard for their money and pay for the service. No one should be treated differently based on race or language."

See audio below by Kim on July 7th, 2013 10:30 am.

Putbacktheflag FB Page:

Media Contact:

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Best Buy Ashamed Of Canada Day in Quebec

We recently came across Best Buy's fliers that show two different realities. One in Quebec called a "moving day special" and one from Canada that called, "Canada Day Sale"

We would like an explanation from Best Buy why these discrepancies exist.

Best Buy FB:

Best Buy Quebec :

Best Buy Corporate Contacts:


We need an explanation. Why the two fliers? Are we not Canadian?

 Join us to protest at Put Back the Flag:

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Montreal Bilingual For Our American Neigbors: Letter To PQ Tourism Minister

Hello Mr Pascal Berube,

We recently came across an initiative by Vermont titled “ Quebeckers are ‘bienvenue’ in Vermont”

Vermont has opened their arms to francophone Quebeckers. An effort has been made by Vermont to translate signs into French. 700 parking meters were outfitted last week with bilingual signs by the Alliance francaise of the Lake Champlain Region. As a further token of respect, on Church Street, a pedestrian mall that has been a shopping Mecca for years, the Quebec flag has replaced the American one on most of the street’s lamp posts. As a goodwill gesture, store fronts feature “Bienvenue Quebecois” signs.

Now we ask this of you  Mr. Pascal Berube.

Are you willing to extend the same gesture to our American neighbors and have road signs and store signs bilingual for the tourists that come spend money in Montreal?

We believe this initiative will be supported by the majority of Quebeckers and ask that you adopt this policy and give back to Vermont and NY state the same respect they provide us.

We eagerly await your response. Peter Shumlin the governor of Vermont will be aware of this letter as will Andrew M Cuomo the Governor of New York.

We trust you will make the right decision and provide our neighbors the respect they deserve.

Best Regards,

Mike Kane


Monday, 29 April 2013

No Man is an Island When Defending Human Rights

Time and time again we heard how the anglophone community has been it’s own worst enemy. In-fighting and battles seem to have plagued the community for decades, unable to make any advances. Unless we are prepared to change the way we think, we will be doomed to fail once again.
We recently read a comment from Bill Dever which reads as follows, “ In history leaders, true leaders come from people who first are willing to serve a cause. Proscribing credit to a certain group and not for Canada is indicative of a deep narcissistic problem, corrosive people, with corrosive egos. Frankly more strength is gained from anonymous defense of Anglo rights and to wage a campaign incognito, instead of the “hey look at me” has far more integrity than a wounded ego who craves gratification from activities not of their own authorship.”
The cause is greater then ANY individual. You can quickly learn who is for the cause and who is in for themselves. Here area few examples of self promotion to look for:

1-   An individual claiming they are for the cause yet after one interview, post self promoting links for the next 3 days asking everyone to listen. Good for you, however this has absolutely no impact overall.

2-  Attending a rally or interview and then posting your picture on your FB wall and background for the next few months and seeking praise. This stinks of narcissism and does absolutely nothing for the cause.

3-   Creating a “fan page” of yourself. This is a sure fire way to turn off anyone that supported you. People support the cause not YOU or individuals.

"It is possible that over time, group members’ positive impressions of narcissistic leaders decrease. Indeed, previous research has shown that although people’s impressions of narcissists are positive at first, they decline over time (Paulhus, 1998)."

In order to succeed we have to all have a vision and accomplishing what we set out to do. This is not about self it is about the cause.

Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. —Peter Drucker

Hopefully we learn this time.

Mike Kane