Saturday, 29 June 2013

Best Buy Ashamed Of Canada Day in Quebec

We recently came across Best Buy's fliers that show two different realities. One in Quebec called a "moving day special" and one from Canada that called, "Canada Day Sale"

We would like an explanation from Best Buy why these discrepancies exist.

Best Buy FB:

Best Buy Quebec :

Best Buy Corporate Contacts:


We need an explanation. Why the two fliers? Are we not Canadian?

 Join us to protest at Put Back the Flag:

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Montreal Bilingual For Our American Neigbors: Letter To PQ Tourism Minister

Hello Mr Pascal Berube,

We recently came across an initiative by Vermont titled “ Quebeckers are ‘bienvenue’ in Vermont”

Vermont has opened their arms to francophone Quebeckers. An effort has been made by Vermont to translate signs into French. 700 parking meters were outfitted last week with bilingual signs by the Alliance francaise of the Lake Champlain Region. As a further token of respect, on Church Street, a pedestrian mall that has been a shopping Mecca for years, the Quebec flag has replaced the American one on most of the street’s lamp posts. As a goodwill gesture, store fronts feature “Bienvenue Quebecois” signs.

Now we ask this of you  Mr. Pascal Berube.

Are you willing to extend the same gesture to our American neighbors and have road signs and store signs bilingual for the tourists that come spend money in Montreal?

We believe this initiative will be supported by the majority of Quebeckers and ask that you adopt this policy and give back to Vermont and NY state the same respect they provide us.

We eagerly await your response. Peter Shumlin the governor of Vermont will be aware of this letter as will Andrew M Cuomo the Governor of New York.

We trust you will make the right decision and provide our neighbors the respect they deserve.

Best Regards,

Mike Kane
